Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cara Baru Menjemur Baju

"Tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi." Itu sih kata pepatah, kalo kata ibu saya, "Tak ada alat penjemur baju, payung pun jadi."

Jadi ceritanya, kita biasa jemur baju di belakang rumah yang ada tali jemurannya. Tapi karena di belakang rumah suka ga kena sinar matahari secara merata jadilah jemuran-jemuran itu dipindah ke depan rumah biar cepet kering. Masalahnya di rumah ga punya jemuran baju portabel, alhasil ibu saya pakai payung buat ngejemur. Hihihi.

Ahhh, ibu-ibu emang selalu punya solusi buat masalah sehari-hari. Proud of my Mom!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

They are Back! JYJ is Back!

Have I ever told you that I miss the trio so much? I've been waiting for their comeback for sooo looong. And finally, they are back! JYJ is back! Yay!

Yesterday surely was a blessed day. Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, and Kim Junsu released a new song with a new MV. The song "Only One" is a theme song for Incheon Asian Games 2014.

The song is very cheerful with an upbeat tempo. And they look so damn great in the MV. I do love the MV so much. That just made my day more awesome :))

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Drama Gu Family Book

I'm currently watching a korean drama Gu Family Book. A story about the journey of Choi Kang Chi, a half-human-half-gumiho in order to become a human.

In his journey he meets with so many troubles and has to struggle to overcome it. Despite the genre is melodrama but the story isn't that heavy and even there are a lot of fun here.

I enjoy watching this drama. I love the storylines and the characters as well. So far Gu Family Book successfully captures my attention. This drama is still airing now, I hope it will have a happy ending ^^

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Social Network, Hell or Heaven?

Pas bangun pagi apa sih hal pertama yang kita lakukan? Apa kita langsung bikin tanda salib dan berdoa? Rata-rata umat Katolik jaman sekarang begitu buka mata pasti langsung ngecek handphone, absen di twitter, atau update status facebook. Baru deh abis itu cabut dari kasur dan sukur-sukur berdoa, inget bikin tanda salib aja nggak.

Perkembangan teknologi, kemajuan komunikasi, dan variasi social networking yang ditawarkan dunia saat ini emang udah merasuki sebagian besar waktu dan hidup kita. Ibu saya sering negur tuh kalo saya udah khusyuk sama handphone sampai-sampai gak denger ibu lagi ngomong apa. Gak jarang juga saya marah kalo ditegur sama ibu. Hehe. Maafkanlah anakmu ini, Bundo!

Pun juga waktu ikut misa, harusnya kan kita ngasih waktu kita sepenuhnya buat Tuhan tapi seringkali kita malah asyik ber-"ekaristi" sendiri via gadget. Kalo udah gitu, udah benarkah doa kita?

Well, sebenernya Gereja gak pernah ngelarang kita untuk mengikuti perkembangan dunia. Gereja justru memandang media sosial sebagai sarana perutusan Kristus dalam membangun dunia yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, hari Minggu ini Gereja Katolik memperingati hari komunikasi sosial sedunia.

Dalam homili Romo pagi tadi, beliau mengatakan bahwa media komunikasi saat ini justru memperlancar pelayanan kepada umat. Umat bisa menanyakan apa saja kepada Romo melalui telepon, sms, BBM, twitter, facebook, atau blog. Ini tentu aja membuat pelayanan kepada umat jadi lebih maksimal dan efektif.

Hari ini Gereja mengajak kita untuk memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai sarana berbagi dan membangun persaudaraan sejati. Satu contoh kecil, waktu kita nulis kalimat "Selamat pagi, Tuhan memberkati!" di media sosial macam facebook atau twitter. Ucapan itu sederhana tapi penuh pesan kasih buat sesama.

Get connected only to disconnect with your surrounding. Social networking bisa mempererat persaudaraan antar umat manusia tapi sebaliknya juga bisa mengandaskan hubungan kita sama umat manusia, lebih parah lagi justru bisa memutus hubungan kita sama Tuhan. Kita harus bijaksana memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada, jangan sampai Tuhan cemburu karena kita sibuk berelasi sama manusia tapi kita lupa sama Big Boss kita di surga.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Confession of A Desperate Fan

I saw this guy for the first time in late 2011, when I accidentally watched Sungkyunkwan Scandal (SKKS)

Previously, I didn't have much interest in such a historical drama. But, I found that SKKS is kinda different. The first thing that attracted me was the guy who played as Lee Seon Joon.

He has a mysterious charm. He wasn't handsome, but he made me stuck on him. Wherever he moved, my eyes would always follow him. I couldn't help but have a silly smile on my face everytime his face appeared on the screen. I think that was my very first crush on him though I ended up not being his fan.

Then Miss Ripley came to me in early 2012. This man again played the main role! But he looked so geeky there. Meh! I also felt a bit of awkwardness to see this guy with a modern outfit since the image of Lee Seon Joon was still on my mind. Haha.

In the middle of 2012, finally I met Rooftoop Prince. I saw this man once again and through Lee Gak, he has totally captured my heart. I'm desperately hooked on him. He's handsome indeed!

My self went crazy to search everything about this guy. He is Park Yoochun who is originally a singer and member of a boy group named JYJ. I found that JYJ is formed by the former members of popular boy band TVXQ. I remembered my friend is a huge fan of TVXQ but I didn't know anything about them.

So I googled and checked out TVXQ on youtube. Then I found out five amazing voices blended into a beautiful harmony. Gosh! They are perfection!

When I heard the part of Yoochun's singing, I nearly died. Damn, his voice is freakin' sexy! And this man is also a composer? I searched all the songs he composed, those are just wonderful. He is a brilliant musician and I love him more.

Anyway, I learned about the lawsuit and three voices finally left. It was kinda weird that I cried alot and sobbed when the five had to end in two separate paths. Sigh.

Well, I was really excited about his latest drama I Miss You (IMY). His role as Han Jung Woo completely transformed into different level. His acting got better and grew mature.

During IMY, he made me cry a lot. He drove me crazy for waiting for his coming in every new episode. He got me stuck in front of screen twice a week. If it was not Park Yoochun, I would never fall in love with Han Jung Woo's character.

The year 2013 has come. After separating with individual activities, JYJ is back as a group and will release a new album in summer. Yoochun also has stated that he would release a solo album. Yeah, finally! I eagerly wait for the comeback of singer-composer Micky Yoochun.

His new single "Walking in Spring with Her" is really nice.

Me now isn't just a Park Yoochun's die-hard fan but also JYJ's fan. I always enjoy watching the three of them playing together like lil' dorky kids. I love their music and their harmony.

Once you fall for one of these three guys you will end up loving the other two guys. When you decided to love Park Yoochun the actor you will also love Micky Yoochun the singer-composer. And I can't deny that I love him more than an actor or a singer-composer but truly a person. Even after many years, I will always love and support him.

Friday, March 29, 2013

My Mom Said Yoochun is Handsome :D

Starting from March 4, Rooftop Prince has been airing in Indonesia through Indosiar. I've been hoping this for months and I'm really happy, finally Rooftop Prince could air in my country.

My mom, she's already 60, loves K-Drama too. So, we always get stuck in front of the screen to watch this drama.

Once, my mom and I were on the way home. Then she told me, "Ah, we'll be home in a minute so we could still watch Rooftop Prince. The actor who plays the prince is handsome."

When my mom said that, I couldn't help but smile, my heart was beating, and I was really blushing . Uri Yoochun is truly awesome, even my mom falls into his charm ^^

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Journeys: Kisah Perjalanan Para Pencerita

The Journeys will take you around the world and let you see the beauty of world through words. From the blue sea of Karimunjawa, the sparkling New York City, the beautiful Andalusia, the peaceful small village in Shuili, a morning kiss bye from a stranger in Lucerne, funny story about a bottle of chilli sauce which had to fly to Utrecht, to the colorful Africa.

It is a story about the journeys of 12 different writers. From comedy writer, screenwriter, or indeed travel writer. Different backgrounds of the writers makes The Journeys has many different flavors in each story.

The Journeys is about finding process. It allows everyone to find their own stories. It's a simple yet a beautiful journey.